Tarrangower Primary School
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Welcome to our happy, friendly school. Education is a shared partnership between us - the school, and you - the whanau. We encourage you to be actively involved in your partnership with your school, and to work with us to make your child’s learning experience meaningful and productive. You can talk to us anytime – just pop in or ring the school office to arrange a time to meet.
We have an awesome staff and we are all working towards a common goal – providing an environment in which your child’s educational needs are met. This includes actively supporting the Healthy School programme, KickStart Breakfast Programme, Fruit in Schools Programme, and KidsCan Trust. We want our tamariki to succeed in all aspects of their lives.
Enjoy your time involved with Tarrangower School, come in to our friendly staff room any time and join us for a coffee or tea, we will all benefit from getting to know each other better.
Naku Noa
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