Tarrangower Primary School
A full assembly is held every Friday at 2.30pm in Room 1 for awards and acknowledgement of achievements for the week. All Parents, Caregivers and Whanau are welcome to attend.
Note: It is school policy that sweets, chippies etc are NOT to be used as incentive awards, except on special occasions. This includes awards given in the classroom.
There is no doubt that regular attendance at school is an important factor in successful development. We understand that tamariki get sick and some absences cannot be avoided. However, all forms of absenteeism, either for illness or convenience have a direct impact on a child's progress.
Please contact the school (either by messenger, phone or a note sent with another child) before 9:30am if your child is going to be absent or late that day. The reason for this is to ensure the school knows the child is safe and has not been harmed on route to school.
Should your child need to be away for any length of time, please contact the school Principal to arrange this and advise us of your child’s expected date of return to school.
We run an attendance reward incentive for our students, who are rewarded for every consecutive full week that they are at school.
Please check that your child can ride safely to and from school and please also make sure that your child’s bike is checked regularly for faults. Bike Safety Helmets are compulsory by law and failure to wear one carries an instant fine, so help us to keep your child safe by ensuring that they wear their helmet when riding to school.
Breakfast is available daily at 8.30am in the school staffroom. As part of this programme Sanitarium provide us with Weetbix each term, Fonterra provide us with Milk and TipTop provide us with bread via the KidsCan Trust every week. A huge thank you to them all for supporting our school with their programmes.
Points to remember:
Parents / Caregivers are asked to please make a special effort to name ALL of your tamariki’s clothing - especially sweatshirts, jerseys, jackets, swimming gear and any other clothing that they are likely to remove during the day. This helps us to return lost property to its owner.
It is our policy that tamariki do not leave the grounds during the day without a note, phone call or message from home.
All tamariki that leave the school grounds must be signed out at the school office preferably by an adult. All parents collecting their tamariki early, for whatever reason, must sign their child out in the book provided in the school office.
We encourage open communication with our school community. If Parents/Caregivers wish to discuss any concerns please call in before school, after school, or contact the school office to make an appointment.
Regular notices are put on our Facebook page and Website to help keep our families informed of school events and activities.
Complaints Procedure
For Parents/Caregivers concerned about anything to do with their school, that includes their child, they are asked to follow these procedures:
Parents/Caregivers are informed on their child’s learning progress by way of a written report in Terms 2 and 4.
The Administrator has overall responsibility for First Aid. In the event of an accident/emergency an ambulance will be called and Parents/Caregivers notified.
Tarrangower School has adopted the Healthy Schools programme developed by the Ministry of Health and the Public Health Commission with the assistance of the Community Health Team. As part of this programme the school operates a "Sunsmart" policy.
During the 1st and 4th terms a "No Hat No Play" policy is in force, tamariki without a hat must only play under our shade structure. We also encourage our students to eat healthy food, and we discourage the consumption of sweet and/or highly coloured foods and drinks. Students who bring these items to school will have them confiscated to be returned to them at home time. The school drinking fountains all provide filtered water.
Tamariki are not permitted to wear jewellery to school, with the exception of watches. If they have pierced ears then a plain stud may be worn. This is for your child's protection as ear lobes are easily torn.
All lost property is collected by the caretaker, all clothing that has been named is returned to its owner all unnamed clothing is stored short term.
Uncollected garments are cleaned and donated to the local Opportunity Shop. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to come to school and inspect the items regularly.
Tarrangower follow the Healthy Schools Policy as laid down by the Ministry of Health. It is also Ministry of Education (NAG 5) requirement that all Boards of Trustees: “promote healthy food and nutrition for all students”.
School lunches are delivered daily to the school for all students free of charge. The menus regularly change and contain healthy food in line with the Ministry of Educations requirements.
We ask that tamariki DO NOT bring the following to school:
We enthusiastically support and encourage cultural inclusiveness within our school. Our Teachers are committed and enthusiastic in supporting the integration of Te Reo in our classes.
We really value parent help in our school. Parents/Caregivers are welcome in any class to give assistance. Each teacher will indicate how he or she could use your support in the classroom.
We would also appreciate helpers on a casual basis to help with the following:
We have a great relationship with our neighbour Te Ara Matauranga Kindergarten who are invited join us each year for Cross Country, Athletics and any special events within the school e.g. Duffy Theatre, Prize Giving.
A free bus that runs from the Okahukura area services our school. Other bus services can be accessed by arrangement. For further information on school bus routes and pick up points please phone Tranzit (027) 702-1167.
The Mobile Dental Clinic visits our school for a week each year. Please ring 0800 TALKTEETH or Karli on 021 356 243 or 027 895 7357 for further information on hours and dates.
Parents are requested to ensure that their tamariki do not arrive at school before 8:30am on school days. Staff may arrive earlier to prepare lessons and materials for the day but are not on duty until 8.30am.
Bell times are:
9.00 am - 1st Teaching Session
11.00am - Interval (supervised eating)
11.10am - Interval (play)
11.30am - 2nd Teaching Session
1.00pm - Lunch Time (supervised eating)
1.10pm - Lunch Time (play)
1.45pm - 3rd Teaching Session
3.00pm - School ends
We do not have shortened lunchtimes when the weather is wet. The grounds are cleared before 3:15pm to make sure that all the tamariki go home.
Our school follows Policies & Procedures which have been written by the Board of Trustees in consultation with students, staff, and the school community. These may be viewed online at tarrangower.schooldocs.co.nz - user name tarrangower - password tarrangower.
We strive to provide our students with a warm, safe, and happy learning environment. We see discipline as a learning process in which students develop self-discipline and self-control, along with the skills needed to successfully interact with others. A positive approach to discipline is seen as essential to achieving this. We are part of the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) programme.
The following positive reinforcements are used to support the school discipline procedure:
In Class -
At Assemblies -
The school’s policy on smoking/vaping is that all buildings, school grounds, and car park are “smoke/vape-free” 24 hours per day.
Physical Education and sports at Tarrangower School are well catered for. In our physical education programme we focus on the skills required to play a variety of sports, along with the all important attitudes and sportsmanship.
Being part of a team is an important part of a tamariki's development. We are always appreciative of whanau who can support sports by coaching, transport, etc.
Our students are all given their first set of Uniform free. Additional items may be purchased from The Warehouse, Postie, K-Mart or through the school.
Boys wear white polo shirts, black cargo shorts and plain black hoodies or jerseys. Girls wear white polo shirts, black skorts/shorts and/or black leggings and plain black cardigans or hoodies. In winter boys and girls can wear black track pants and long sleeved white polo shirts.
All visitors to our school are requested to report to the school office to sign in and out. This is to ensure everyone’s safety in case of an emergency situation and/or an evacuation.
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